(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Science Fiction or Science Fact? 67

"She is absolutely right. In fact, there is a connection
between the name Lobsang Rampa, the Tibetan lamas,
the ancient Incas, the Third Eye, and UFOs."
"Yes, my friend also mentioned the Third Eye and this
Rampa character. But how are all these things related to
"Well, Chacho, if you remember what your friend
Gracie told you, Lobsang Rampa makes a descriptive
account of undergoing an operation in which they open a
small hole in his forehead."
"Yes, that's right. I remember her mentioning that."
"Well, the ancient Peruvians practiced this very same
operation. They opened a small hole in the skull and
refilled it with plaques of gold or silver. According to
modern scientific studies, those trepanations were in­
deed some kind of brain surgery. But the ancient
Peruvian traditions used it as a psychic way to keep in
touch with the 'gods' or divinities from heaven, or, if you
want to accept it, beings from outer space."
"How does Rampa fit into this?"
"This has to do with the cosmic connection. What is
known on your planet as the soul, ghost, spirit, spook­
the elements which make up the human body-that is,
an energy, a vibration, a force that is unique in the
universe. You've heard that Lobsang Rampa used to
travel spiritually, out of his physical body?"
"Yes, and that only his spirit experienced the out of
body travel. His physical body never went to the actual
places where the Third Eye took place. But that poor
man was ridiculed, humiliated and made fun of."
"Yes, that's true. But, nevertheless, to be able to travel
out of one's body means there is a way of controlling that
energy we will call 'spirit' for now. A human spirit is a
combination of two energies-magnetic and electric.
These are units of energy that go way beyond the a tom."
"Can they be seen?"
"Yes, they can. I speak with certainty, that in this

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