(やまだぃちぅ) #1

back, I hope you'll be loaded with intelligent questions."
"What else can you tell me about these two doomed
"Extraterrestrial beings have been here on earth for
many thousands of years, cultivating the planet with life
and teachings. Sort of an experiment. Sometimes ex­
periments fa il. What if you had a garden you loved and
tended, and one day you notice the plants are poisonous
and dangerous. But there are one or two worth saving.
You save those and destroy the rest.
"In Sodom and Gomorrah, the situation was similar;
people there had gone·against nature. Perverse sexual
practices were widespread, beyond hope of redemption.
People there had forgotten about God.
"The angels who came to visit Lot were crew members
of a UFO. Their mission was to get Lot and his family out
safely before blowing these cities to pieces.
"This story in Genesis confirms the extraordinary
powers possessed by the extraterrestrial visitors. And
they used them to defend themselves against the attacks
of the Sodomite people, causing blindness to those who
stood outside Lot's house demanding to see the 'angels.'
Remember these 'a ngels' were considered by the Soda­
mites to be ordinary human beings. Th ey didn't have
wings attached to their backs. But, coming from outer
space, they had to be using some kind of flight device,
therefore, the concept of 'angels' wa s used to describe
Rama's version of Lot's story fascinated me. I wanted
to hear all her explanations of these biblical events.
"How did Lot's wife turn into a pillar of salt?"l asked.
She was ready with her answer.
"Speaking scientifically, the woman was warned not
to look back. But she did anyway. The light probably
blinded her and she couldn't move because of shock. The
intense heat killed her and the radiation covered her skin

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