(やまだぃちぅ) #1

"It will take a little time and patience, and lots of
explanation, before you're convinced of our existence."
"Is it okay with you if I use a tape recorder?"
"Yes, of course. But after a while, that won't even be
necessary. You1l be able to cultivate your mind on such a
level that your memory cells will store data in your
brain-any amount of it. Then when you want to
remember anything, you'll have no problem remember­
ing the most insignificant, small details."
"How will that be possible?"
"You will see. Now, all I want from you is a clean mind
and a sincere desire to do this."
I decided to test her, to see if she could produce proof
for the things she was saying.
"Rama, I want to come back, perhaps next weekend.
I'm here on business, but 111 read whatever I can get my
hands on pertaining to this subject. Wait for me next
weekend. And be patient with me. If you're as psychic as
I'm starting to believe you are, you know I mean what
I'm saying."
"Yes, I know. And I'm also aware of your confusion. I
will wait, my friend."
"Okay, it's settled. I have to leave now; the road is
awful and I don't relish the idea of driving it in total
She handed me the newspaper. "Here, Chacho, take
this newspaper and try to find a logical explanation for
it, II
I took the newspaper. "Thank you, Rama, it's been a
most unusual weekend."
With those words, I got into the car, drove off to a gas
station about a half a mile down the road and fueled for
the trip back. Gas in this remote part of the world is
poured out of a metal barrel and put into the gas tank
with a funnel. The contrast between this crude, back-

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