(やまだぃちぅ) #1

However, many Roman Catholic priests and scholars
have knowledge of the existence of such a message. It
wa s written by one of the three shepherd children who
witnessed the event, Sister Maria das Dores, also known
as Sister Bernadette.
In 1917 , talk about UFOs was not the subject of
people's everyday conversations. Flying saucers, Mar­
tians, and spaceships were things one read about only in
science fiction books. However, when we examine the
holy scriptures, legend, and mythology from many parts
of the world, we continually come across the same old
Some divinities come from the heavens in some kind
of flying chariot. Fire, smoke, light, sound and move­
ment are always described. The idea is the same-the
creatures whose presence accompanies this phenome­
non are thought to be some type of god, or related to
God. They come into some kind of contact with some­
one. These encounters have been reported in many parts
of the world. When the divinity decides it is time to leave,
a message is left that eventually becomes religion,
mythology, tradition, or legend. Generally, these mes­
sages are peaceful, filled with expressions of love,
prophetic, spiritual, and, most importantly, they all
promise eternal life, Utopia, or paradise. Whatever its
called, the imagery remains the same.
This same general plot is recorded in many forms
throughout the world and throughout the ages. Some of
these events can be verified through research and
investigation. When that happens, we call it history.
In this century, the Fatima incident can be likened to
the Biblical account of Moses talking to Jehovah on top
of Mount Sinai, or to his conversation with the 'burning
bush.' If a serious investigator really wants to consider
the possibilities, he or she may come up with some

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