(やまだぃちぅ) #1
My Trip to Nazca Plains 85

would fear nothing. I had read all the UFO reports I
could get my hands on and never came across any
evidence of physical harm to any witnesses. Besides,
Rama didn't seem to be the kind of person with such
I recalled her exotic, almost oriental, beauty. Her eyes,
big, deep, and slanted, were enhanced by high cheek­
bones. The last time I had seen her I looked into those
eyes. They revealed an almost childlike warmth and
vulnerability. And her patience wa s almost beyond
comprehension. Even when I insulted her, calling her a
fake or accused her of putting me on, she remained
sweet and kind.
I decided to close shop early and head for the moun­
tains. I even considered calling New York to request a
permanent transfer to Lima. About mid-a fternoon I
drove Nancy home and asked her to take care of all the
incoming calls from headquarters, just in case I didn't get
back on time Monday morning. Then I stopped off at the
Sheraton to pick up a few things, including my Bible (I
had found one in English) and all of the books I had read.
The drive up the mountains was nowhere as painful as
my first trip, but still no joy ride, either. I took it slow and
easy, not wanting to push myself or the rented car. I
stopped to pick up a hitchhiker, who told me he wa s a
mine worker on his way to La Oroya, a big town in the
Andes Mountains where all the minerals from Cerro de
Pasco mines were sent for smelling. As we passed the
UFO contact sign, the man mentioned that a policeman
in Huancayo had had some sort of contact with beings
from outer space. He said he thought the man was as
crazy as all the other people who still believed in flying
When I arrived in Acaya, the lady at the hotel fixed me
a room and a good meal while I went down to the
bathhouses. As it was extremely cold, I ga thered some

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