(やまだぃちぅ) #1


wood and built a fire, knowing I would be freezing when
I got out of the water. I was right. I dressed in front of
the fire, had my meal and went straight to bed. As soon
as my head touched the pillow I fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up a little pa st nine. The morning sunshine
made the air seem crisp and fresh. I went down to the
bathhouse and, as it was Saturday, a number of people
were waiting a turn for the baths. I could have gone into
the open swimming pool, but it wa s still a bit too cold for
that. I waited in the wa rm sunshine, making an effort to
be calm and relaxed.
In spite of myself, my anxieties re turned. Even though
my studies had convinced me of the existence of UFOs, I
wa s still uncomfortable with the idea. What if this were
all a hoax? Maybe I had been right all all along and Rama
wa s working for the CIA, or she and her friends were up
to something not quite kosher here in Peru. Or maybe
she wa s just some sma rt aleck who wa nted to have a
good laugh at my expense.
The only thing I knew for sure wa s that she always
knew exactly what I wa s thinking. I had always thought
that people who claimed to be clairvoyant, or have ESP,
psychic or mind-reading abilities were phonies. Now I
wa sn't so sure.
Just then, at a distance, I heard the sound of a powerful
motorcycle. I turned to see Rama arriving on her
L.A.P.D. Harley Davidson. I resolved that today I would
demand some proof of her claim to be an alien being
from outer space.
"Hello, Rama," I said. "How are you?"
She looked into my eyes for a moment before answer-
"Salve," she said, which is Latin for "hello."
"What do you see?" she asked.
"I like what I see. But I ca me here to straighten out
some things."

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