(やまだぃちぅ) #1
My Trip to Nazca Plains 87

"Charles, my friend, my brother," she said, "please
save your words. I've been listening to you thinking. I
know you have doubts. But my being here is not a hoax. I
don't have time to play little games with you. So as far as
proof is concerned, I told you before, that all depends on
how fast you rid yourself of your doubts and fears."
She was responding to my thoughts as if I had spoken
them aloud to her.
"Rama, you're utterly fantastic. You seem to know my
thoughts almost before I think them."
"No, not before you think them."
"Is there a simple, logical explanation for the way you
appear to sense my thinking?"
"Yes. You call it telepathy. It's a universal way of
communicating. Brain waves are explosions of energy all
around you. Remember the force we talked about the
last time we were here?"
"Vaguely, but I don't understand it."
"Then we have to start at a level where you can make a
picture in your mind what this force really is, and what
it's called. Then you'll understand it; later, you1llearn to
control it."
"Control it, how?"
"Once you know and understand it, you can actually
control it."
"How long will it take me to learn that?"
"It depends on how fast you can accept the fact that
I'm really an extraterrestrial.
Look, forget that I'm from another world for now.
Let down your guard. Let's just pretend we're friends
from different countries or cities. Isn't that the wa y
you'd do it with any one of your girlfriends?
"Yeah, I guess so. But they don't pop into my life and
say, 'Hi, I'm from another planet,' either. Anyway, if you
have something for me to learn, tell me. I've been
looking forward to this. I read some things and made

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