(やまだぃちぅ) #1

about it, including the ones who were investigating it, I
was still intrigued by this mysterious event. Once in a
while I'd think about it and wonder what could cause a
power failure of such magnitude. Nothing was broken
very few people were hurt; yet no one seemed capable of
finding or repairing the damage. No one ever came up
with a sensible explanation for the failure, either; the
lights just came back on seven hours later.
"You say it was some kind of test?"
"Yes, a. strategy, an experiment, just as you are."
"I'm an experiment? You said that once before. Just
what exactly do you mean?"
"The time has come; we find it necessary to estab­
lish contact with a number of people on this green, water
"You're the kind of person we like to talk to. I'll level
with you. First, I'll share my knowledge with you,
including how to handle The Third Force. That's impera­
tive before we can go any further. Then you11 be able to
read minds as well as we're carrying on this mental
conversation at this moment."
"You've got to be kidding, Rama."
"No, I'm not kidding."
"I'm just being cautious. Remember, Rama, I'm only a
lowly earthly and my mind doesn't function as quickly
nor as well as yours."
"Do you believe me now?"
"You're reading my mind and you know I can't help it.
But I'm still doubtful about your being from another
"Why do you find that so impossible to believe?"
"It's just too staggering to my mind and imagination.
Maybe if you keep talking to me like this and making
sense as you've been doing, you'll convince me."
"All right; I'll do just that. But you have to promise me
that you'll keep an open and objective mind, and that

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