(やまだぃちぅ) #1
My Trip to Nazca Plains 91

you11 refrain from spoiling things with your ugly
thoughts. Agreed?"
"The Fatima message is the word of good will de­
livered from someone who appeared to three shepherd
children by someone who was supposed to be the
mother of Jesus Christ, correct?"
"That's what I've read."
"Well, in reading the Von Daniken books, didn't you
constantly come across the same old plot of 'go9s coming
from heaven in their chariots of fire'? Didn't they
usually communicate with earthlings before great disas­
ters such as the great flood and the destruction of Sodom
and Gomorrah? Haven't you read accounts of them
helping people, mingling with them, founding nations
and countless other activities?
"These people descend upon the earth to teach, and
the special individuals lucky enough to receive their
instruction write about their experiences."
"From the little I've read, it seems most of these
authors are people who are troubled and searching for
some specific answer to philosophical questions about
God, humanity, justice, slavery; things of that nature."
"We choose the people th�t we reveal ourselves to
very, very carefully, because what we offer primarily is
wisdom and eternal life."
"Eternal life? Are you saying that if I'm a good boy, as
you put it, I11 get to live forever?"
"These are the only really special things I have to offer
you. Wisdom and eternal life."
"You're putting me on again, Rama. I could say some
very nasty things, but since you're allegedly a creature
from another planet, I won't be quite so vulgar."
"You see, my suspicious little brother, how you try to
spoil this beautiful thing? Here I am, offering you a wa y
to achieve eternal life, and you're thinking of obsceni­

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