Principles of Managerial Finance

(Dana P.) #1
CHAPTER 4 Time Value of Money 185


6000 PV





Input Function

Calculator Use Using the calculator inputs shown at the left, you will find the
annual payment amount to be $1,892.82. Except for a slight rounding difference,
this value agrees with the table solution.
The allocation of each loan payment to interest and principal can be seen in
columns 3 and 4 of the loan amortization schedulein Table 4.8 at the top of page

  1. The portion of each payment that represents interest (column 3) declines
    over the repayment period, and the portion going to principal repayment (col-
    umn 4) increases. This pattern is typical of amortized loans; as the principal is
    reduced, the interest component declines, leaving a larger portion of each subse-
    quent loan payment to repay principal.

Spreadsheet Use The annual payment to repay the loan also can be calculated
as shown on the first Excel spreadsheet. The amortization schedule allocating
each loan payment to interest and principal also can be calculated precisely as
shown on the second spreadsheet.
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