Principles of Managerial Finance

(Dana P.) #1

64 PART 1 Introduction to Managerial Finance

net profit margin
Measures the percentage of each
sales dollar remaining after all
costs and expenses, including
interest, taxes, and preferred
stock dividends, have been

Hint EPS represents the
dollar amount earned on behalf
ofeach share—not the amount
of earnings actually distributed
to shareholders.

Bartlett Company’s operating profit margin for 2003 is


This value is labeled (2) on the common-size income statement in Table 2.7.

Net Profit Margin
The net profit marginmeasures the percentage of each sales dollar remaining
after all costs and expenses, includinginterest, taxes, and preferred stock divi-
dends, have been deducted. The higher the firm’s net profit margin, the better.
The net profit margin is calculated as follows:

Net profit margin

Bartlett Company’s net profit margin for 2003 is


This value is labeled (3) on the common-size income statement in Table 2.7.
The net profit margin is a commonly cited measure of the firm’s success with
respect to earnings on sales. “Good” net profit margins differ considerably across
industries. A net profit margin of 1 percent or less would not be unusual for a
grocery store, whereas a net profit margin of 10 percent would be low for a retail
jewelry store.

Earnings per Share (EPS)
The firm’s earnings per share (EPS) is generally of interest to present or prospec-
tive stockholders and management. As we noted earlier, EPS represents the num-
ber of dollars earned during the period on behalf of each outstanding share of
common stock. Earnings per share is calculated as follows:

Earnings per share

Bartlett Company’s earnings per share in 2003 is


This figure represents the dollar amount earned on behalf of each share. The dol-
lar amount of cash actually distributedto each shareholder is the dividend per
share (DPS),which, as noted in Bartlett Company’s income statement (Table
2.1), rose to $1.29 in 2003 from $0.75 in 2002. EPS is closely watched by the
investing public and is considered an important indicator of corporate success.



Earnings available for common stockholders

Number of shares of common stock outstanding



Earnings available for common stockholders



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