Tactics, command, leadership

(Axel Boer) #1

Measures in a problem solving system

The measures that are executed during a response operation are
the smallest elements that constitute the operation from a tactical
perspective. Measures can be defined as formalised heuristics and
algorithms for carrying out tasks in a problem solving system (Jo-
nes, 1993). Heuristics is a method of discovering or forming new
(relevant) knowledge. An algorithm is a systematic process that,
in a limited number of steps, discovers how to solve a calcula-
tion or problem. A problem solving system can then be defined
as a group of players that carry out dependent activities in order
to solve one or more problems. Measures are then the processes
in the problem solving system that actually solve the problem or
problems. A problem solving system works as per definition in a
state of insecurity, indistinctness and ambiguity. Insecurity can
be taken as incomplete information, indistinctness as the need to
establish an understanding of an unclear situation and ambiguity
as alternative hypotheses, i.e. several alternative solutions. Measu-
res do not only solve the problem; they also result in the discovery
and formation of new knowledge. This is an important aspect as
this gained knowledge will form the basis for solving similar or
even identical problems or situations in the future. This is in part
what we normally call experience.


Damage /

Decision on

Measure applied Measure takes effect

There is normally a
time lapse between
when a measure is
decided upon and when
it takes effect.

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