Tactics, command, leadership

(Axel Boer) #1
operations is in turn created, and in tune with this the oppor-
tunity for various individuals to compensate for each other on
a temporary basis, for example, with an extra heavy workload.
Lack of common grounds for evaluation and a common per-
spective of the various roles can result in imbalance in the
capacity to lead. If a particular decision domain fails to function,
there is the risk, for example, of close by decision domains going
in and compensating for it, or of the function simply being omit-
ted from the operation.
When several response operations are in progress simultaneo-
usly, cooperation between them is often advantageous. Such coo-
peration could, for example, concern possible needs and therefore
competition for certain limited resources, even if the allocation of
resources is primarily the responsibility of system command. It

The starting point for Allmänsta municipality is that victims of incidents and
accident shall be offered assistance. The damage caused to property
and the environment shall be minimised. On this basis, goal of the
operation can, as an example, be formulated as follows:
The goal of the operation is first to search through the department store
for the missing persons and second to evacuate the district. The fire shall
then be limited to the third floor.

Example 30
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