Tactics, command, leadership

(Axel Boer) #1
is here that the fire brigade applies its personnel and equipment to
physically meet the assistance need.
When operational command allocates tasks to task command,
this mainly concerns what shall be achieved, what shall be done,
possibly how it will be done, within what time and with what re-
sources. This has to be placed in a context. When a task is placed
in a context, it has to be broken down, for example, with respect
to geography. Task command must be able to organise itself so that
the allocated tasks can be executed.
Three general decision domains are defined above, all of which are
parts of each other. But in some cases it can be neces sary to divide
areas of responsibility still further.

Point in time



situation 1

situation 2


Road closure

Take over of control

Take over of control

1 2 3 4 5 6

Musical event

The development over
time of several
simultaneous incidents
and threats. System
command can influence
the situation by
arranging for the
takeover of control to
occur between
damaging events.

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