Tactics, command, leadership

(Axel Boer) #1

the role content within the configuration of the organisation. The
work of the Incident Site Officer can include one or more of the
points below:

  • Decide upon the task content for the sectors or equivalent, for
    the execution of the task

  • Decide upon the resources allocated to each task

  • Coordinate sectors (adjustment of execution time, geography,
    resource disposition and method)

Sometimes a single Incident Site Officer has only the third point
to consider, sometimes the second and third and sometimes all
three. These points can be broken down still further and parts of
them included. The important thing is that no tasks are missed. It
should also be noted that the situation can easily arise where an
individual forms a bottleneck in the system, especially if all the in-
formation flow is being channelled via him or her. Consequently
it is no goal in itself to have a, or several, Incident Site Officers or
the equivalent.
It should only be implemented if further command capacity
is required, and it is important to take into account both span­of­
control and role logic.
In the event of very large incidents, within the framework of
one and the same response operation, there may be several af-
fected areas each with one or more incident sites. When an emer-
gency response operation is expanded, i.e. when the organisation
handling the situation grows, the authority allocated to manage
goal of the operation moves up in the organisation. A future, su-
perior, commander may therefore within his or her decision do-
main to handle goal of the operation. In principle the remaining
authorisation for the decision domains task command remains
as described above as role logic. If additional units are required,
more task command decision domains are created, on the basis
of, among other things, span of control and role logic. Neither
operational command nor system command is divided up further.
Goal of the operation thus always belongs to the decision domain
operational command and aim of the operation to the decision do-
main system command. If additional command capacity is needed
for these decision domains, staff is increased. Note, however, that
system command and operational command should not have the
same staff.

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