Photography and Cinema

(sharon) #1
definite, its meaning less so. Varda looked at the photo from time to time

over the following decades and was compelled eventually to turn her

fascination into the filmUlysse, in 1982. In it she offers several approaches

to the image. First she explores how it marked her transition from photo-

grapher to filmmaker. Then she takes the photo as a document belonging

less to her personally than to history. Varda researches national and

world events that happened the month she took the photo, but none

seems to have any bearing on it. She goes in search of the two people.

The man, Fouli Elia, was a model in 1954. By 1982 he was a director of

photography atEllemagazine. Varda contacts him, but he is not interested

in remembering. The boy, Ulysse, is the son of Spanish refugees who were 107

95 Agnès Varda,Ulysse(1954). Black and
white photograph.

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