Photography and Cinema

(sharon) #1

enough camera but could find no ciné film stock fast enough to shoot

the city on the hoof without additional lighting. The only solution was

to tape together short lengths of Ilfordhp5, the film manufactured for

reportage and sports photographers.


The physical/mental montage of shots constitutes one version of ‘pure

cinema’. The other, advocated by the film theorist André Bazin, minimizes

montage and emphasizes the ‘pro-filmic event’, that is, the unfolding of

23 Cover of Egon Irwin Kisch,Zurivy
Reporter[The Frantic Reporter], 1929.
Collage by Umbo.

24 Stills from DzigaVertov’sMan with a
Movie Camera, layout by JanTschichold
for the bookPhoto-Eye(Stuttgart, 1929).

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