Transforming Your Leadership Culture

(C. Jardin) #1

when Liam engaged us, he pledged to support the culture work
and the work of his team fi rst.
As the work unfolded at NuSystems, we began to see that
Liam wasn ’ t really ready to be an instrument of culture change.
For example, he insisted that all ideas pass through him before
they were explored with the executive team. The effect of this
need for control was a narrowing of issues that could be explored
within the executive team or in the general leadership culture.
Moreover, the executive team ’ s signifi cant issues and its pursu-
ant questions were often undiscussable and were taken off the
table. It became clear that NuSystems would not allow the con-
fl ict necessary for learning.
As a consequence, we recommended the creation of a CLT
that could explore further into the company ’ s human and oper-
ational systems. As we continued to work for discovery using
information obtained through surveys, focus groups, and other
internal sources, Liam increasingly insisted that all the informa-
tion generated in the culture work be distilled for his editing and
release. In advance of any face - to - face meetings with his team
or other change leaders in the organization, he wanted control
of the organizational messages. Liam wanted no surprises.
Because of the commitment of some on the change leader-
ship team, we continued to work with NuSystems over several
quarters. However, ultimately it was clear that Liam wanted pri-
marily to manage the board ’ s perceptions of him, the executive
team, and the organization, not to change the leadership cul-
ture. Managing appearances and avoiding confl ict were personal
drivers that he was unable to control. Several of his key support-
ers also wanted activity but not real change. They wanted only
to mollify constituents with an appearance of good - faith effort.

Our View

The NuSystems story illustrates the power of the leader in shap-
ing what change is acceptable. It shows how important it is that

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