Cardiovascular Fitness Procedures Manual

(coco) #1

4.5 Treadmill Test

Exhibit 4-30. Treadmill test data entry screen

4.5.1 Function of Treadmill Test Screen

The treadmill test is completed using the screen in Exhibit 4-28 above. The following

sections will describe the buttons and functionality of this data entry screen.

4.5.1. 1 Timer

The timer in the upper left of the screen will be used to time the exercise stages. When the

‘Start’ button is pressed, the timer begins for the Warm-up Stage. The timer counts up to 2 minutes for

Warm-up, then resets to zero for the beginning of Stage 1. It then counts up to 3 minutes for Stage 1,

resets to zero for the beginning of Stage 2, counts up to 3 minutes for Stage 2, then resets to zero for the

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