Cardiovascular Fitness Procedures Manual

(coco) #1
Determination of PAR code from responses

The PAR code is one of the determinants of which treadmill protocol will be assigned to the SP.
PAR codes range from 0 to 7. The code is assigned as follows:

If the SP reports little or no regular recreation, sport, or physical activity and avoids walking or
exertion, PAR code = 0

If the SP reports little or no regular recreation, sport, or physical activity and walks for pleasure,
routinely uses stairs, occasionally exercises sufficiently to cause heavy breathing or
perspiration, PAR code =1

If the SP reports participating regularly in recreation or work requiring modest physical activity for
10-60 minutes per week, PAR code = 2

If the SP reports participating regularly in recreation or work requiring modest physical activity for
more than 60 minutes per week, PAR code =3

If the SP reports participating regularly in heavy physical exercise for less than 30 minutes per
week, PAR code = 4

If the SP reports participating regularly in heavy physical exercise for 30-60 minutes per week,
PAR code = 5

If the SP reports participating regularly in heavy physical exercise for 1-3 hours per week, PAR
code = 6

If the SP reports participating regularly in heavy physical exercise for more than 3 hours per week,
PAR code = 7


Jackson, Blair, Mahar, Wier, Ross, and Stuteville. (1990). Prediction of functional aerobic capacity
without exercise testing. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 22 (6), 8 63 -870.

Ross and Jackson. (1990). Exercise Concepts, Calculations and Computer Applications. Benchmark

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