2.3.2 Calibration of the Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor
The calibration of the pressure amplifier inside the STBP monitor will be checked each week
with a mercury manometer. The reading on the STBP monitor should be within +/- 5mmHg from the
reading on the mercury manometer. If the difference between the readings differ by more than 5 mm Hg,
the STBP monitor will need to be returned to the manufacturer for calibration.
Weekly calibration check procedures are outlined below:
- Turn off the power switch for the STBP monitor.
- Get portable mercury manometer, and Y-connector with rubber bulb from the
room supply box. - Set up the mercury manometer on the computer cart.
- Connect one end of the Y-connector to the air tubing on the mercury
manometer. - Connect second end of the Y-connector to the inflation outlet at the back of the
STBP monitor.
Use the following steps to check the calibration of the STBP with the mercury
manometer. The calibration will be checked at these five ranges:
- 220-2 50
- 180-2 20
- 120-1 80
- 70-12 0
- 0-70
While pressing the END switch, turn POWER switch on.
Press MANUAL switch to set unit in the MANUAL mode. The word “MAN” is
displayed on the LED of the ELAPSED TIME indicator.
While pressing the UP switch, press the START switch.
Raise the pressure in the mercury manometer to 250 mmHg. Tighten the screw to
maintain the mercury at a constant level.
In about 1 second, the pressure values are displayed on the STBP monitor.