Cardiovascular Fitness Procedures Manual

(coco) #1
Weekly. Prior to each examination, place a 50-pound weight on the scale to roughly check

the accuracy. Note the check in the QC log. If there is any reason to believe that the scales are not

accurate, do a full calibration as described above. Record the calibration in the QC log. If the scale is off

by 1 pound or more, inform the MEC manager.

2.5 SECA Portable Stadiometer Model 222

The SECA model 222 portable stadiometer is attached to the wall in the CV Fitness room.

The detachable floor piece has been modified to be large enough for the SP to stand on and the plastic

headpiece must be lifted and placed on the SP’s head. The two vertical measuring bars have both

centimeters and inches imprinted on them. Measurements are read in centimeters at the orange plastic line

where the two measuring bars connect.

2.5.1 Maintenance and Calibration of the Stadiometer

Calibrate the stadiometer at the beginning of each stand and weekly during the stand. The

procedures are as follows:

Start of Stand and weekly: Make sure the measuring column is pushed completely into the

floor piece by checking that it is inserted up to the etched line.

a. Place the calibration rod on the floor of the stadiometer.

b. Place the horizontal bar of the stadiometer firmly against the top of the calibration rod.
The stadiometer should read 100 cm.

c. Document the performance of the calibration procedure in the QC log.

d. If the reading is off by > 1 cm, inform the MEC manager. Use the stadiometer until a
backup is sent.
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