3.3.1 Height
Follow these steps to take the SP’s height:
- Ask the SP to remove his or her shoes if necessary.
- Place the stadiometer a few inches away from the wall. Check to be sure the
measurement column on the stadiometer is completely inserted into the floorpiece.
Pull the sliding top bar section up and open the head piece to allow the SP to step
under the head piece. - Ask the SP to stand erect on the floorboard with his or her back to the vertical piece of
the stadiometer and the wall. The SP should not be leaning against the stadiometer. - Ask the SP to evenly distribute weight on both feet. The heels are placed together with
the feet pointed slightly outward at a 60 degree angle. The arms hang freely by the
sides of the trunk with palms facing the thighs. (See Figure 3-1.) - Position the head in the Frankfort horizontal plane. The head is in the Frankfort plane
when the horizontal line from the ear canal to the lower border of the orbit of the eye
is parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the vertical backboard. Many people will
assume this position naturally, but for some it may be necessary to make a minor
adjustment. If required, gently tilt the head up or down until proper alignment is
achieved with the eyes looking straight ahead. Once correctly positioned, ask the SP
to inhale deeply and to stand fully erect without altering the position of the heels. - Lower the headpiece snugly to the crown of the head with sufficient pressure to
compress the hair. - Hold the top sliding bar in place at the junction and ask the SP to step out away from
the stadiometer. - Record the measurement in centimeters (measurements printed on right side of bar) at
the orange line on the measuring bar.
3.3.2 Weight
Follow these steps to take the SP’s weight:
- Make sure the scale weighs in kilograms by checking the switch on the underside of
the digital display. - Place the scale on the floor.