Principles of Food Sanitation

(ff) #1


Study questions

  1. What is quality?

  2. What is total quality management?

  3. Why should QA personnel not be placed
    under the supervision of production

  4. What is SQC?

  5. What is CUSUM?

  6. What are Class I, II, and III recalls?

  7. What are quality control charts?

  8. What is the difference between quality
    assurance and quality control?


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Bricher, J.L. 2003. Top 10 ingredients of a total food protection
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Chilton, J. 2004. Auditing auditors.Meat Poultry50, no. 6: 34.
Marriott, N.G., J.W. Boling, J.R. Bishop, and C.R. Hackney.
1991.Quality assurance manual for the food industry. Vir-
ginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
& State University, Blacksburg. Publication no. 458-013.
McNamara, A.M., and J. Williams, Jr. 2003. Building an effec-
tive food testing program for the 21st century.-Food Safety
9: 36.
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