Principles of Food Sanitation

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Chapter 15 Low-Moisture Food Manufacturing and Storage Sanitation

As with other food manufacturing facili-
ties, an effective and practical sanitation pro-
gram is essential for low-moisture food
manufacturing plants. It is necessary to
ensure that the operation complies with the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
state, and local requirements. Furthermore,
rigid sanitation in low-moisture food manu-
facturing operations is needed to ensure that
consumers are provided with safe and whole-
some foodstuffs. Effective sanitation in low-
moisture food manufacturing is essential to
maintain an acceptable operation. A tidy
operation can, be more efficient, assist in the
promotion of branded products and com-
pany image, and determine whether an oper-
ation remains profitable or even stays in
business. Failure to exercise proper sanita-
tion can lead to customer dissatisfaction,
decreased sales, and damage to a firm's rep-
The Office of the Inspector General of the
Department of Health and Human Services
has indicated that low-risk food operations,
such as bakeries, bottlers, and food ware-
houses, are becoming riskier because of inef-
fective inspection. Although firms engaged in
interstate commerce are regulated by the
FDA and subject to inspection by state and
local authorities, where inspections are made,
the surveillance is often cursory, with pri-

mary emphasis on birds, rodents, and insects.
Firms operating under unsanitary conditions
put the population's health at risk.

Sanitary construction considerations

Site Selection
Walsh and Walker (1990) suggested that
sites should exhibit the following hygienic
●Nearly level to a slight slope with ade-
quate drainage
●Free of springs or water accumulation
●Accessible to municipal services
(sewage, police, and fire)
●Remote from incinerators, sewage treat-
ment plants, and other sources of nox-
ious odors, or pests
●Located within an air quality district
tolerant of emissions from thermal pro-
●Located away from areas prone to
flooding, earthquakes, or other natural

Exterior Design
The exterior should incorporate smooth,
tight, walls impervious to water, and free of

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