Art Therapy - Teaching Psychology

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1
Assessment • 143

  1. “The Bridge Drawing: A Projective Technique for Assessment in Art Therapy,” by R. Hays and S.
    J. Lyons, 1981, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 8, 207–217.

  2. “Aggression Depicted in Abused Children’s Drawings,” by T. M. Manning, 1987, The Arts in
    Psychotherapy, 14, 15–24.

  3. “Creative Analysis,” by E. Zierer, 1987, Art Therapy, 114.

  4. “Assessment Battery for Children with Neurological Impairment,” by P. St. John, 1992, Art
    Therapy, 67.

  5. “Developing a Projective Drawing Test: Experiences with the Face Stimulus Assessment (FSA),”
    by D. J. Betts, 2003, Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 20 (2), 77–82.

  6. Art Therapy, 1994, p. 151.

  7. Henley, D. (1997). Art Therapy, p. 57.

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