Art Therapy - Teaching Psychology
Assessment • 143
- “The Bridge Drawing: A Projective Technique for Assessment in Art Therapy,” by R. Hays and S.
J. Lyons, 1981, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 8, 207–217.
- “Aggression Depicted in Abused Children’s Drawings,” by T. M. Manning, 1987, The Arts in
Psychotherapy, 14, 15–24.
- “Creative Analysis,” by E. Zierer, 1987, Art Therapy, 114.
- “Assessment Battery for Children with Neurological Impairment,” by P. St. John, 1992, Art
Therapy, 67.
- “Developing a Projective Drawing Test: Experiences with the Face Stimulus Assessment (FSA),”
by D. J. Betts, 2003, Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 20 (2), 77–82.
- Art Therapy, 1994, p. 151.
- Henley, D. (1997). Art Therapy, p. 57.