Art Therapy - Teaching Psychology

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

166 • Introduction to Art Therapy


  1. “Introduction” to the first issue of Art Psychotherapy, by E. Harms, 1973.

  2. “Utilizing Prestructured Art Elements in Brief Group Art Therapy With Adolescents,” by R. Vick,
    1999, Art Therapy, 16(2), 68–77.

  3. Three Perspectives: Framing the Don Jones Assessment (DJA), by D. Jones, M. Vinton, and W.
    Wernick, 1999, Panel presentation, American Art Therapy Association Conference, Orlando, FL,
    November 21, 1999.

  4. “Drawing Together: Therapeutic Use of the Wish to Merge,” by F. F. Kaplan, 1983, American
    Journal of Art Therapy, 22, 79–85.

  5. “Art Therapy in a Public School,” by R. Wolf, 1973, American Journal of Art Therapy, 12 (2),

  6. Ault, R. E. (1983). Unpublished manuscript.

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