336 • Index
sexual abuse, 209
speech, 196
staff development, 238
and stressful situations, 217
substance abuse, 207–209
supportive setting, 76–77
for terminal illness, 225–226
in trauma and rehabilitation, 222–224
war and combat, 229–230
Therapy synthesis, 118
They Could Not Talk and So They Drew (Levick),
Third World Committee, 256
Three-Dimensional Apperception Test, 120
Three Faces of Eve (Sizemore), 210
Toronto Art Therapy Institute, 66
Traditional, 113
Tragedy, 22
Training and education. See Education and
Training issues, 45–46
Training program, 263
Transactional object, 88
Transference, 75
Transformation, 100
Transitional object, 88, 202, 214
Transitions, 136
Transpersonal approaches, 114
Transpersonal psychology/psychotherapy, 100
Transplant patients, 220
Trauma, 41–42
Trauma and rehabilitation therapy, 222–224
Trauma survivors, 37
Traumatized children, 37
Treatment and the mind, 218
Treatment planning, 81
Triadic (three-person) dynamics, 74
Tuberculosis, 223
Ulman Personality Assessment Procedure
(UPAP), 137, 139
Unconscious, illogical thought, 52
Understanding Children’s Play (Hartley), 127
Understanding Children Through Their Drawings
(Malchiodi), 271
Unfreezing, 146, 147
Universal language, 167, 233
Unresolved grief, 181–183
Unspoken perspective, 117
Unstructured approaches, 134, 137
Using Art in Trauma Recovery With Children
(AATA), 232
Validity, 84, 125
Verbal associations, 135
Verbal fluency, 14
Verbal psychotherapy, 47, 84, 89
Verbal therapy, 1, 22, 84, 85, 169
Very Special Arts (now VSA Arts), 205, 260
Videotaping, 160. See also Films
Video technology, 161, 223
Videotherapy, 159, 160, 225
Vietnam veterans, 230
about, 1–2
art, drama and depression, 14–16
art, psychotic boy and reality, 5–6
art, writing, and reality, 21–24
art and aggression at home, 6–7
art and divorce, 9–11
art and marital therapy, 19–21
art and trauma, 3–5
art therapy, anxiety and security, 12–14
art therapy and anxiety, 11–12
art therapy and depression, 16–19
art therapy and grief, 11
art therapy and talented teenager, 14
expressive modalities, 42–43
Violent or provocative imagery, 252
Vision of 21st century art therapist, 270–271
Visual arts, 45, 158
Visual ideas, expression of, 71
Visual imagery, 148, 168
Visual impairment, 221
Visual languaging, 73, 153
Visually impaired, 254
Visual perception, 101, 253
Visual Preference Test, 120
Visual prompt, 147
Visual starter, 121, 147
Visual stimulation, 147
Visual stimuli response, 119
Visual symbols, 59, 98
Visual Thinking, 86
Visual Thinking (Arnheim), 105
Visual thinking process, 5
Visual treatment modality, 159
Volunteers, 37, 38, 231, 263
Walter Reed Army Medical Center, 230
War and combat therapy, 229–230
Warming up techniques, 146–147
War on Poverty, 35