Art Therapy - Teaching Psychology

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

24 • Introduction to Art Therapy

my life (thinking of my adolescence), trusting my intuitions, willing to explore uncharted
territory, an inherent sense of direction and goodness (or poorness) of fit as things emerged.
The process similar in life and in therapy and in art ...
Because Marjorie was a very bright woman, she was able to get past her initial distrust of
psychoanalytic therapy, and to enjoy the transference learning available in the process. The
art, initiated to please as she suggests, became an unexpected by-product of her therapy, an
oasis, something she was able to keep as her own, along with the adjustment she accom-
plished through hard work. I am grateful for the learning she provided for me, and for her
willingness to teach others through letting me share her written reflections. Although she
preferred that I not show her artwork, the reader should know that it was not only uniquely
her own, but also truly beautiful.

Preview of Coming Chapters

Now that you have gotten a peek at the process of art therapy, you will want to find out more
about it. In Chapter 2, you will learn how art therapy is similar to and different from related
fields. Chapter 3 tells the story of its development as a profession. The “basics” of doing art
therapy, including treatment planning and evaluation, are outlined in Chapter 4, which also
notes some of the reasons why art therapy works. Art therapy is conducted using many dif-
ferent theoretical approaches, which are noted in Chapter 5.
The use of art in assessment is described in Chapter 6, and some of the technique(s) used
in treatment in Chapter 7. Since art therapy can be used with people of all ages, Chapter 8
deals with some of the issues and developments in work with children, adolescents, adults,
and the elderly. Chapter 9 focuses on some of the most common groups of people and prob-
lems art therapists work with, such as those with disabilities and eating disorders. Art ther-
apy is also used in many different kinds of settings and for a broad range of purposes, some
of which are noted in Chapter 10.
Chapter 11 deals with professional issues, such as education, standards, ethics, and public
information. Chapter 12 is about the future, offering suggestions for further study, as well
as an overview of current trends. Throughout, the text is illustrated with the images on the
pages, as well as with the images and video clips on the DVD, a list of which is found on
the DVD itself. The book ends with a list of resources (professional associations, journals,
conference proceedings) and references (books on art therapy and related areas, which are
referred to in the text).

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