Thermodynamics and Chemistry

(Kiana) #1

Appendix C Symbols for Physical Quantities

Appendix C Symbols for Physical Quantities

This appendix lists the symbols for most of the variable physical quantities used in this
book. The symbols are those recommended in the IUPAC Green Book (Ref. [ 120 ]) except
for quantities followed by an asterisk ().

Symbol Physical quantity SI unit

Roman letters
A Helmholtz energy J
As surface area m^2
a activity (dimensionless)
B second virial coefficient m^3 mol^1
C number of components (dimensionless)
Cp heat capacity at constant pressure J K^1
CV heat capacity at constant volume J K^1
c concentration mol m^3
E energy J
electrode potential V
E electric field strength V m^1
Ecell cell potential V
Ej liquid junction potential V
Esys system energy in a lab frame J
F force N
number of degrees of freedom (dimensionless)
f fugacity Pa
g acceleration of free fall m s^2
G Gibbs energy J
h height, elevation m
H enthalpy J
H magnetic field strength A m^1
I electric current A
Im ionic strength, molality basis mol kg^1
Ic ionic strength, concentration basis mol m^3

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