Thermodynamics and Chemistry

(Kiana) #1

Appendix F Mathematical Properties of State Functions

Appendix F Mathematical Properties of State Functions

A state function is a property of a thermodynamic system whose value at any given instant
depends only on the state of the system at that instant (Sec.2.4).

F.1 Differentials

Thedifferentialdf of a state functionf is an infinitesimal change off. Since the value
of a state function by definition depends only on the state of the system, integrating df
between an initial state 1 and a final state 2 yields the change inf, and this change is
independent of the path:
Zf 2

f 1

df Df 2 f 1 DÅf (F.1.1)

A differential with this property is called anexactdifferential. The differential of a state
function is always exact.

F.2 Total Differential

A state functionftreated as a dependent variable is a function of a certain number of inde-
pendent variables that are also state functions. Thetotal differentialoffis df expressed
in terms of the differentials of the independent variables and has the form

df D






dzC: : : (F.2.1)

There are as many terms in the expression on the right side as there are independent vari-
ables. Each partial derivative in the expression has all independent variables held constant
except the variable shown in the denominator.
FigureF.1on the next page interprets this expression for a functionf of the two in-
dependent variablesxandy. The shaded plane represents a small element of the surface
f Df .x; y/.
Consider a system with three independent variables. If we choose these independent
variables to bex,y, andz, the total differential of the dependent state functionftakes the

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