Essentials of Nutrition for Sports

(Nandana) #1
Quiz Answers

Probably a lot more is not known

about nutrition than is known.

This area is subject to much mythology. All of the twenty T F questions are false or mostly false. The Girl Scout cookie in question has 7 grams of carbohydrate, for 28 calories, and 3 grams of fat, for 27 calories. Of a total 55 calories, 27 calories, or 49% come from fat.

General Nutrition Key Points •^

Eat a variety of whole, unprocessed foods in moderation.


Eat at least half a dozen servings

of fruits and vegetables daily.


Control your weight.


Limit or avoid alcohol.


Eat a diet relatively high in fiber.


Eat fewer simple sugars—candy, table sugar, “sweets.”


Avoid junk food.


Avoid high-fat and high-cholesterol foods.


Avoid salty foods (unless you will be sweating quarts).


Rely on food, not pills.


Consider a multivitamin/mu

ltimineral supplement.


There are no absolute rules. Very different diets consumed by different people may have equal

nutritional value and result in

good nutrition. Occasional dietary indiscretions are not important.
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