Essentials of Nutrition for Sports

(Nandana) #1


Lotronex (alosetron, gastrointestinal track motility problems, irritable bowel syndrome). Seve

re constipation and ischemic

colitis. Withdrawn 2000.


Propulsid (cisapride, gastrointestinal track motility problems, irritable bowel syndrome). More than 70 deaths due to heart-rhythm abnormalities. Withdrawn 2000.


Raplon (rapacuronium, anesthe

tic). Fatal bronchospasm.

Withdrawn 2001.


Rezulin (troglitazone, diabetes). Liver failure. Withdrawn 2000.


Seldane (terfenadine, allergies). Potential fatal heart rhythm abnormalities. Withdrawn 1998.


Serzone (nefazodone, antidepressan

t). Liver failure. Withdrawn



Vioxx (rofcoxib, analgesic, anti-inflammatory). Studies showed a doubling of the risk of heart attack. Withdrawn 2004.

Why Fall For New Gimmicks?

Why do we fall victim to nutriti

onal quackery? After all, some

new ideas will have merit, and it makes sense to be discerning and rationally try new products.

Whether it is snake oil, magic cures, or cults of one sort or
another, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

We do not want to be left behind, we want to do all that we can,
and we are willing to take a chance. We are true believers that there is something out there that will work, help us, give us that edge.

Most of us, at some level, lack

confidence. We are willing to try

to get something for nothing, or not much.

If we are burned, scammed, or otherwise disappointed, many of
us consider the product cost the price of admission.

Why do so many people give their hard-won earnings to the slot
machines in Las Vegas? Maybe we

will be lucky; maybe we will hit

it big. If we do not try it, it cannot help us.

However, we can lose. We can lose more than our money.
Nutritional supplements can harm health. Contaminants, as we have seen can be a problem. Over-the-counter does not mean innocuous or safe.

Take a chance?

The Bottom Line

You already have enough to concentrate on to help you stay fit—
for example, proven training methods, a balanced diet, and plenty of recovery and rest.

In medicine, new drugs are called experimental for a reason.
Side effects are common.

In the computer age, the first in line is called a beta-tester.
Computers often crash.

In nutrition, the first in line for a new product is likely to be a
guinea pig.

Concentrate on using tools that are known to work, not what

Caveat emptor.

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