Essentials of Nutrition for Sports

(Nandana) #1

Most of these claims are pure hype. “High potency” is a
misnomer because above-RDA doses are more likely to cause harm than they are to provide benefit. Nutrients are not “targeted” but are carried throughout the body in the bloodstream and are used as needed. Some nutrients are better absorbed when taken during mealtime, but the time of day is not important. Timed-release supplements are not advantageous because the body does not need a continuous supply of nutrients. Nutr

ient deficiencies do not develop

by the hour or overnight. Biochemical reactions are driven by nutrients that are stored, as well as by those that are ingested during a given day. People eating a varied and balanced diet will maintain stores that can last for weeks or even years, depending on the nutrient involved. The body ge

nerally uses what it needs and

excretes or stores the rest.

A few situations exist in which absorption characteristics are
important. Calcium products vary significantly in their absorbability. And sustained-release niacin, which can be a potent drug for treating abnormal blood cholesterol levels,

is less likely than ordinary

(crystalline) niacin to cause flushing or burning of the skin but is far more likely to cause liver toxicity. Some of the above products may be absorbed more rapidly, more completely, or more steadily than others. But aside from dosage (megadoses are more likely to cause trouble), such characteristics are unlikely to make much difference.

Many manufacturers feature supplements that contain no sugar,
preservatives, or artificial color or flavor. Others are touted to be “yeast-free.” These products are an attempt to capitalize on groundless fears—generated by the health-food industry itself.

Some companies state that their supplement products are
patented. The U.S. Patent Office does not require proof that a product actually works; the main requi

rement is that it be different

from previously registered products.

Many companies buy their ingredients from bulk manufacturers
such as Hoffmann-La Roche and repackage them under their own brand name(s). As a result, many pr

oducts claimed to be superior are

actually identical to competing products.

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