Essentials of Nutrition for Sports

(Nandana) #1
Figure 20. Glycogen synthesis is almost tripled when one-quarter again as many carbohydrate calories are added to a carbohydrate recovery drink.

Figure 19

above is deceptive when used to promote the addition

of protein rather than the ingestion of adequate carbohydrate calories.

The selective chopping off of the data to suit the manufacturer is

There has been more research about protein and recovery, much
of it negative.

Almost all of the research showing protein benefit has been
conducted by Endurox R4’s manufacturer, PacificHealth Laboratories or its paid consultants.

For a more complete discussion of the role—rather, the lack of a
role—of protein in recovery, see the information beginning on page 66


Endurox Hype

Here is the product description a

nd other information taken from

the manufacturer’s website.


34 Accessed 1-28-2000.

Product Description

“The unique Endurox R4 formula (patent pending) includes
electrolytes, high glycemic carbohydrates and whey protein in a 4:1 ratio (Optimal Recovery Ratio), ar

ginine, antioxidant vitamins E and

C, glutamine, branched chain amino acids and the natural herb, ciwujia. Endurox R4 is a total nutritional approach to muscle performance and recovery because it is specifically designed to:


Restore electrolytes and water.


Replenish glycogen stores rapidly.


Reduce muscle and oxidative stress.


Rebuild muscle protein.”

Hype Disguised as News Copy Endurox R4 Beats Gatorade

Woodbridge, New Jersey (UW) -

ENDUROX(R) R4(TM), a new sports

drink developed by PacificHealth Laborat

ories Inc (Nasdaq: PHLI), has been

shown to improve endurance performance by 55% over Gatorade, the leading sports drink sold in the United States.

This is the conclusion of a just-released study presented at the American
College of Sports Medicine Mid-Atla

ntic meeting. It was conducted by

Michael Williams and Drs. J

ohn Ivy and Peter Raven.

ENDUROX(R) R4(TM) Performance/Recove

ry Drink is the first sports

nutrition product that will be introduced by PacificHealth Laboratories Inc. based on leading edge research that

has redefined muscle performance and


According to Dr. Robert Portman,

President of PHLI, “ENDUROX(R)

R4(TM) represents the next generation

of sports drinks” and is suitable for

athletes “engaged in aerobic exercise...”

The investigators say ENDUROX(R)

R4(TM) offers significant

advantages over Gatorade because it enhances exercise performance, extends endurance, improves recovery and may prot

ect against exercise induced muscle

damage. Based on these studies, PHLI

has filed a patent for ENDUROX(R)


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