Essentials of Nutrition for Sports

(Nandana) #1
Real Juice

We were back at my car after a 60-mile ride. I had a gallon
thermos of drink in the trunk. A previous Olympian was with me. He was thirsty. I gave him some purplish fluid.

“What’s that?” he said, swallowing eagerly. “That’s great. Is it
Cytomax, or a new energy drink?”

“Not too strong?” I asked. “No. Terrific. Is this why you go so fast? “Don’t know, but it helps,” I said. “What is it? Who makes it?” he asked again. “It’s from the grocery store,” I said. “Tropical Fruit, made by
Dole. 100% pure juice, diluted about 50/50 with water.”

“Wow!” he said. “Real juice!”

Caffeine Additives

To get you going or keep you going, caffeine in solution (for
example, coffee, tea, Coke, or Pepsi) can be useful.

For a discussion about the ergogenic (performance-enhancing)
and ergolytic (performance-robbing) effects of caffeine, see pages 114






is ergolytic—performance-robbing.

Like caffeine, it is a diuretic robbing you of fluid. It slows you
down. It makes your legs heavie

r. Physical activity increases the

intoxicating effect of alcohol. With your judgment impaired, skills worsen. On a bicycle, you can easily crash.

For more information about alcohol, see page



Make It Taste Good

Plain warm water does not taste great. Chilled fluids go down
more easily. A little flavor, a little sugar, a little electrolyte makes it taste better. Do not overdo it: too sweet or too salty tastes bad. Having good-tasting fluids allows you to drink more.

Palatability changes depending

upon hydration status and

exertion level. (What tastes good at rest does not taste the same when tired, hot, sweaty, and exercising.)


Review the key points at the beginning. Hydration improves performance. Although some level of
dehydration may be tolerated without adversely affecting performance, the longer the event the more important it is to pay attention to hydration and ha

ve a hydration strategy.

Carbohydrate, sodium, flavor, coo

ling of fluids, and accessibility

can help improve hydration.

Nutrition for Sports, Essentials of 33
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