Essentials of Nutrition for Sports

(Nandana) #1

Deficiency is rare. Cases provide evidence of the essentiality of
omega-3 fatty acids.

A young girl receiving intravenous lipid emulsions with little
alpha-linolenic acid developed visual problems and sensory neuropathy. These resolved with an

emulsion containing more alpha-

linolenic acid

Scaly and hemorrhagic skin and scalp inflammations, impaired
wound healing and growth retardati

on were described in a series of

nine nursing home patients fed by gastric tube for years with a diet formula with little alpha-linolenic acid.

Disease Prevention Visual and Neural Development Preterm Infants

Human milk contains docosahexae

noic acid in addition to alpha-

linolenic acid and EPA. Human milk is considered the best source of omega-3 fatty acids for infants.

Adding docosahexaenoic acid to th

e formula of preterm infants

improves the early development of the visual system. Term Infants

The benefits of adding docosahexaenoic acid to the formula of
term infants are less clear than those seen in preterm infants.

Studies on visual acuity are mixed.

Pregnancy Complications

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements do not decrease pregnancy-
induced hypertension. It may result in modest increases in length of pregnancy, especially in women with low omega-3 fatty acid consumption.

Cardiovascular Diseases Fish and Coronary Heart Disease

Some studies, but not all, have shown that those who eat fish at
least once weekly have lower mort

ality from coronary heart disease

than those who do not eat fish. Alpha-Linolenic Acid and Coronary Heart Disease

There is some evidence that increased alpha-linolenic acid intake

is associated with decreased risk of MI and fatal coronary heart disease. Studies are mixed. Fish and Sudden Cardiac Death

Several studies have found an i

nverse relationship between fish

consumption and sudden cardiac death. Fish and Stroke

Studies are mixed. Increased fish intake may decrease the risk of thrombotic or

ischemic stroke but not hemorrhagic stroke. Cancer

Numerous studies have examined dietary fish intake and cancer
incidence; few have shown inver

se relationships between fish or

omega-3 fatty acid intake and the risk of breast, prostate, or colorectal cancer.

Disease Treatment Coronary Heart Disease

Studies suggest a beneficial effect of dietary and supplemental
omega-3 fatty acids.

The American Heart Association recommends that those with
documented coronary heart disease consume 1 gram daily of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid combined (EPA + DHA).

Nutrition for Sports, Essentials of 84
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