Palgrave Handbook of Econometrics: Applied Econometrics

(Grace) #1

360 The Long Swings Puzzle

D′p,t=[Dp80.7,Dp91.1,Dptax,Dp97.7] with in 19XX:y, zero otherwise.

The tax dummy is needed to account for a series of commodity tax increases to
pay for reunification, and the three dummies are needed to account for a big drop
in the US inflation rate in 1980:7, a large change in the nominal exchange rate in
1991:1, and a large change in the Dmk–$ rate in 1997:7.
As discussed in more detail in section 8.6, the two trend components, the con-
stant, and the shift dummy need to be appropriately restricted in the VAR model
to avoid quadratic and cubic trends. The dummy variables have been specified
exclusively to control for the extraordinary shock at the time of the intervention,
but to leave the information of the observation intact through its lagged impact.
Thus the dummies do notremovethe outlying observation as is usually the case in
a static regression model. Table 8.1 reports the estimated effects.
Conditional on the dummies, the VAR model becomes reasonably well-specified.

The tests for multivariate residual autocorrelation at one lag,χ^2 ( 9 )=11.0[0.28],

and two lags,χ^2 ( 9 )=14.2[0.12], were acceptable, as were the tests of multivariate
ARCH of order one,χ^2 ( 36 )=45.9[0.12], and order two,χ^2 ( 72 )=87.2[0.11].
However, multivariate normality was rejected based onχ^2 ( 6 )=27.1[0.00].Toget
some additional information, Table 8.1 reports the univariate Jarque–Bera tests, as
well as skewness (third moment around the mean) and kurtosis (fourth moment
around the mean). It appears that the non-normality problems are mostly due to
excess kurtosis in the US inflation rate. Since the VAR estimates have been shown to
be reasonably robust to moderate deviations from normality due to excess kurtosis
(Gonzalo, 1994), the baseline VAR model is considered to be a reasonably adequate
characterization of the data.

8.5.2 Rank determination and general model properties

The determination of the cointegration rank is a crucial step in the analysis, as it
structures the data into its pulling and pushing components. The so-called trace
test (Johansen, 1996) is a likelihood ratio test for the cointegration rank. However,
the trace test is derived under the null ofp−runit roots, which does not always
correspond to the null of the theory model, as illustrated in section 8.8 (see also

Table 8.1 Estimated outlier effects and misspecification tests

Estimated outlier effects Misspecification tests
Dptax Dp80.7 Ds91.1 Dp97.7 Norm. Skew. Kurt.

p1,t 0. 01



0. 01

7.22[0.03] 0.35 3.62
p2,t −0.00

− 0. 01

15.4[0.00] −0.20 4.20
s12,t −0.02

0. 01
0. 06
6.31[0.04] 0.10 3.66

Note:t-ratios in [ ].
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