The Mathematics of Arbitrage

(Tina Meador) #1
11.2 Basic Theorems 219

11.2 Basic Theorems

Before proving the main results of the paper we need to recall some definitions
and notations introduced in Chap. 9.

Definition 11.2.1.AnRd-valued predictable processHis calleda-admissible
if it isS-integrable, ifH 0 =0, if the stochastic integral satisfiesH·S≥−a
and if(H·S)∞= limt→∞(H·S)texists a.s.. We say thatHis admissible if
it isa-admissible for some numbera.

The following notations will be used:

K={(H·S)∞|His admissible}
C 0 =K−L^0 +
C=C 0 ∩L∞.

The basic Theorem 9.1.1 uses the concept of no free lunch with vanish-
ing risk. This is a rather weak form of no-arbitrage-type and it is stated in
terms ofL∞convergence. The(NFLVR)property is therefore independent of
the choice of equivalent probability measure. Only the class of negligible sets
comes into play.

Definition 11.2.2.We say that the locally bounded semi-martingaleSsatis-
fies the no free lunch with vanishing risk or property (NFLVR), with respect
to general admissible integrands, if

C∩L∞+={ 0 },

where the bar denotes the closure in the sup-norm topology ofL∞.
The locally bounded semi-martingaleSsatisfies the no-arbitrage or (NA)
property with respect to general admissible integrands, if

C∩L∞+={ 0 }.

The fundamental theorem of asset pricing can now be formulated as fol-

Theorem 11.2.3.The locally bounded semi-martingaleSsatisfies the prop-
erty (NFLVR), with respect to general admissible integrands, if and only if
there is an equivalent probability measureQsuch thatSis aQ-local mar-
tingale. In this case the setCis already weak-star (i.e.σ(L∞,L^1 ))closedin

Remark 11.2.4.IfQis an equivalent local martingale measure forSand if
HsatisfiesH·S≥−athen the result of Ansel-Stricker [AS 94] shows that
H·S is still a local martingale and hence, being bounded from below, is
a super-martingale. It follows that the limit (H·S)∞exists a.s. and that

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