The Mathematics of Arbitrage

(Tina Meador) #1

240 12 Absolutely Continuous Local Martingale Measures

T 2 =inf{t|t>T 1 ,(H·S)t≥−ε}

is finite on the set{T 1 <∞}. We now putK=H (^1) ]]T 1 ,T 2 ]]. The processKis
1-admissible since (K·S)t≥−1+2εon the set{T 1 <∞}.Also(K·S)T 2 ≥ε
on the set{T 1 <∞}. 
Definition 12.3.2.We say that the semi-martingaleSadmits immediate ar-
bitrage at the stopping timeT, where we suppose thatP[T<∞]> 0 ,ifthere
is anS-integrable strategyHsuch thatH=H (^1) ]]T,∞]],and(H·S)t> 0 for
Remark 12.3.3.(a): Let us explain why we use the term immediate arbitrage.
SupposeSadmits immediate arbitrage atTand thatHis the strategy that
realises this arbitrage opportunity. ClearlyH·S≥0and(H·S)T+t>0for
allt>0almostsurelyon{T<∞}. Hence we can make an arbitrage almost
surelyimmediatelyafter the stopping timeThas occurred.
(b): Lemma 12.3.1 shows that either we have an immediate arbitrage op-
portunity or we have a more conventional form of arbitrage. In the second
alternative the strategy to follow is also quite easy. We wait until timeT 1 and
then we start our strategyK. If the strategy starts at all (i.e., ifT 1 <∞)then
we are sure to collect at least the amountεin a finite time. It is clear that
such a form of arbitrage is precisely what one wants to avoid in economic mod-
els. The immediate arbitrage seems, at first sight, to be some mathematical
pathology that can never occur. However, the concept of immediate arbitrage
can occur as the following example shows. In model building one therefore
cannot neglect the phenomenon.
Example 12.3.4.Take the one-dimensional Brownian motionW=(Wt)t∈[0,1]
with its usual filtration. For the price processSwe takeSt=Mt+At=

twhich satisfies the differential equationdSt=dWt+ 2 dt√t. We will
show that such a situation leads to “immediate” arbitrage at timeT=0.Take
Ht=√t(ln^1 t) 2. With this choice the integral on the drift-term

0 Hu

2 √u=
2 (ln(t

− (^1) ))− (^1) is convergent.
As for the martingale part, the random variable
∫t^0 HudWuhas variance
u(lnu)^4 duwhich is of the order ln(t
− (^1) )− (^3). The iterated logarithm law
implies that, fort=t(ω) small enough,

(ln(t−^1 ))−^3 ln ln((ln(t−^1 ))^3 )≤C′(ln(t−^1 ))−

It follows that, fortsmall enough, we necessarily have that (H·S)t(ω)>0.
We now define the stopping timeTasT=inf{t> 0 |(H·S)t=0}and, for
n>0,Tn=T∧n−^1. Clearly (H·S)T≥0andP[(H·S)Tn>0] tends to 1
asntends to infinity. By considering the integrandL=


n=1αnH^1 [[ 0,Tn]]for
a sequenceαn>0 tending to zero sufficiently fast, we can even obtain that
(L·S)tis almost surely strictly positive for eacht>0.

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