Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

What you want to do is maintain weight without thinking
about it. Your weight loss diet should be very close to your healthy
lifestyle diet. To do this, you need to eat the foods with the highest
nutrients per calorie (nutrient density) and the lowest amount of
calories per weight (calorie density) that are packed with the most
amount of protective phytonutrients (vitamins, minerals, antioxi-
dants, phenolic compounds, etc.). This formula is found in a plant-
strong diet containing lots of vegetables, fruit, beans, some whole
grains, and raw nuts and seeds.

Enjoying Vegetarian Food:
Is it Possible for Meat Eaters?

I am a vegetarian because of health, ecology, kindness to ani-
mals, and spiritual reasons. I didn’t give up meat because I was
repulsed by the taste. I loved the taste of meat! (In fact, in college I
purchased a half a cow and ate steak literally every day!) If I didn’t
presently have in my mind the needless suffering of animals, I
would periodically consume a thick porterhouse steak on the grill
and then probably have a big, fat, juicy Polish sausage with sauer-
kraut and mustard to top off my meal. I can still taste it to this day.
With that said, I don’t crave meat at all. The absolute vastness of
the vegan menu is awesome!
Getting over the craving for meat is easier than dairy products,
caffeine, or sugar. Think of the animals, your health, or your en-
vironment. Start slowly. I allowed myself one hamburger a week,
and that was the only meat I ate for several years. Then one day
I read some spiritual reading and that was it. I just stopped. Veg-
etarianism is an evolutionary process. Just start, then it takes on a
life of its own. It is a personal journey, but this journey will change
you and the planet for the better.

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