Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the foundation for a staying healthy diet

eliminate all grains than find the grain(s) that is causing the
problem, as well as eat only whole grain products.

  1. Well-meaning but uninformed people think we need to eat
    animal foods to survive and thrive as human beings.

  2. People like the taste of meats.

  3. There is a large economy centered on meat production.

I will repeat this one more time: There is no biological (evolu-
tionary) reason any more that we have to eat meat to survive and
thrive as a species in the modern world. There just isn’t. So all this
massive cruelty and suffering done to animals predominantly from
factory farming is for no evolutionary purpose. It’s for one or more
of the five reasons just stated.
So before any of you meat eaters misrepresent what I just
said, let’s be very clear about what I’ve said: You can obviously be
healthy eating small amounts of animal products, and most of the
healthiest cultures in the world do it. What I did say, though, is
that there is not a shred of scientific evidence that we have to eat
another mouthful of animal foods to thrive and be well as a hu-
man species. Therefore, there is no need for this cruel process of
mass meat production. None! And there is a lot of evidence that a
well thought out, high micronutrient vegetable-rich, whole-food,
unrefined vegan diet is exactly what the world needs right now
as far as preventing and reversing the chronic disease taxing ev-
ery country’s healthcare system. Eliminating factory farming of
animals for food consumption would also be a great thing for our
environment in reducing greenhouse gases, conserving precious
water resources, protecting our soil and rain forests, and reducing
the spread of infectious diseases that come from the waste derived
from the factory farming of billions of animals per year.
I will go one step further: Leave the fish in the ocean alone as
well. We don’t need to eat fish either. We can get our anti-inflam-
matory omega-3 fatty acids from the same places animals do: lots
of green vegetation, sea vegetables, and some nuts and seeds. And,
if needed, in supplements from plant sources of omega-3 fatty ac-

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