Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

Why Eat Grains?

Grains, especially in their whole state, are an excellent source
of time-released carbohydrates, along with fiber, vitamins, min-
erals, essential fatty acids, and, yes, even protein. They are a per-
fect food on paper in their whole, unrefined state as long as: (1)
you don’t have an intolerance to that grain, which a significant
number of people do, and (2) if the grains you consume are whole
grains and don’t have sweet-fat calories added to them, includ-
ing hydrogenated vegetable oils, trans-fats, and added calorie

What’s so Good about Whole Grains?

Whole grains are good sources of fiber, vitamins, minerals,
good fatty acids, beneficial phytochemicals, and time-released
sugars. Unlike “white” refined grains, they contain the outer fiber
layer and the nutrient-rich germ, as well as the starchy endosperm,
which is all that is left in the refined grain.
Diets that contain at least three or more ounce equivalents of
whole grains per day may help with weight control and can reduce
the risk of several chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease
and some kinds of cancer.^19
In addition, whole grain products tend not to be found in con-
fectionary foods that have added fats, oils, and sugars, or what I
call “sweet-fat calories.” Since they have the fiber and germ, un-
like a refined grain product, they tend to be more filling and usu-
ally have a slower blood sugar release, both of which are good for
weight control and chronic disease prevention.
Do this experiment. Get a loaf of real whole- or sprouted-grain
bread. Remember, one of those two words is the first word(s) af-
ter Ingredients on the package label. True whole or sprouted grain
bread is generally not fortified. Get a white flour baguette. See
which bread you can eat more of. Maybe at best you can eat two
or maybe three slices of the sprouted or whole-grain bread. Most
of you will only eat one piece. At another time, go for the baguette.

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