Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

Anatomy of a Whole Grain Kernel

Bran: Protective outer layer rich in insoluble fiber, B
vitamins, trace minerals, and phytonutrients. About
14% of the kernel by weight. Removed with refining.

Endosperm: Sometimes called the kernel, is
primarily an energy source providing carbohydrates
and protein. It contains smaller amounts of B
vitamins, iron and soluble fiber. About 83% of the
kernel by weight. This portion of the kernel remains
in refined grain products.

Germ: Is the nutrient-rich embryo of the seed. It is a concentrated source
of nutrients including B vitamins, vitamin E, fatty acids, antioxidants and
phytonutrients. Less than 3% of the kernel by weight. It is removed in
refined grains.

Source of kernel image: Montana Wheat and Barley Committee. Montana’s Official State website. (accessed Feb. 26, 2011).

Americans have been consuming more grain products in the
last thirty to forty years, but only fifteen percent are whole grains
while eighty-five percent
are refined grains. This is
a prescription for excess
calories, weight gain, and
chronic disease since many
of these refined grain prod-
ucts come with extra sweet-
fat calories.^ This consump-
tion of refined grains also
gives all carbohydrates a
bad name, which is a disser-
vice to the public’s health.^23

Source: ERS analysis of 1999-2000 National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) Data.
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