Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the big three: alcohol, caffeine, and sugar

optimal function and slows the aging process. That is why almost
any diet philosophy can work if you use the diet to achieve this
goal. Ideally, you want to control blood sugar and insulin levels at
a calorie level that allows you to stay lean but provides you with
the maximum amount of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients to
protect you and optimize your metabolism. I hate to be repetitive,
folks, but that’s a micronutrient-rich, plant-strong, unprocessed
vegan diet.

Sugar and Your Intestines

Undigested simple sugars can go into the bowel, and bacte-
ria—generally in the large intestine—can work on these sugars
and produce gas and bloating or more complex chemicals called
organic acids that can have extra intestinal effects (other places in
the body). Similar symptoms may occur with undigested simple
sugars increasing fungal growth.
Cutting out all refined sugars and sometimes even whole un-
processed sugars from foods and drink can dramatically reduce
gut symptoms and sometimes systemic problems (headaches,
joint pain, etc.). Adding a good probiotic (good bacteria) along
with antifungal treatment may also provide additional benefit.
Some people need stool exams to see if there is any bacterial (or
fungal) overgrowth to be treated. Sometimes I give a short course
of antibiotics for antibiotic sensitive bacteria I find in a stool exam,
which is overgrown in the gut.
Some individuals with carbohydrate sensitivity need to go on
the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), which is explained in detail
by the late Elaine Gottschall in her book Breaking the Vicious Cycle:
Intestinal Health Through Diet. The SCD allows for carbohydrates
that require minimal digestion and are completely absorbed (hon-
ey and fruit are acceptable, but no grains, beans, starchy vegeta-
bles, or dairy products except hard cheeses). This leaves no sugars
for the intestinal bacteria to feed on and produce unwanted gas
and metabolites. This diet has also been used with success in some
autistic children as part of an overall treatment strategy.^8

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