Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
food intolerance and allergies

eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, what they drink and
crave, and some of those “biggies” come up (dairy, wheat, sugar,
etc.). Many times, these patients have gone from doctor to doctor,
including specialists, and no one has ever simply asked them what
they eat or suggested that food could be a problem. This is so sad
and unfortunate. Simply eliminating just one of those foods can
sometimes make a profound difference. Remember this: Be will-
ing to look at the foods you commonly eat—those you eat daily or
really like—if you have a chronic problem. Then try to eliminate it
(two to four of them) for one month. Many of you will be surprised.
If done right, food elimination is the single most powerful tool in

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