Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1

Chapter 12

“Allergic Load” and Detoxification

Your “Allergic Load”

The term “allergic load” simply means the total challenge to
your immune system and metabolism that comes from the foods
you consume; the environment that you touch and breathe; the
state of your internal biochemistry, especially your liver and gas-
trointestinal functioning; and the mind-body perception of your
life. All these things can trigger neuroendocrine and immunologic
pathways that cause abnormal or hyper responses to the environ-
ment. Together, all of these components create your “allergic load”
and can tip your allergic “teeter totter” toward manifesting signifi-
cant symptoms. One component alone may not do it.
There is a mind-body connection with allergy or hypersensi-
tivity. If you are chronically in a mental state of fight or flight, then
you are putting out more cortisol, an anti-inflammatory hormone.
With time, this chronic fight-or-flight lifestyle may result in the
inability to put out cortisol at appropriate periods of stress or
allergy exposure, and then you have more manifestation of the

Seasonal Allergies and Your Allergic Load

Seasonal allergies can be reduced by paying attention to your
allergic load. I have seen this scenario every year for more than
two decades. If people go on a low-allergy, whole-food diet; take

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