Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
staying healthy in the fast lane

Now comes the hard part: what to do about heavy metals—
if anything. While logic says to remove them, we don’t yet know
all the ramifications of removing these excessive metals. We do
know that these metals can cause problems with different meta-
bolic pathways and result in some serious complications of human
health. The problem lies in knowing what level is toxic and really
harmful when these metals are stored in your body. Questions to
be answered are: What happens when you take these metals out
of the body? What problems do they cause on the way out? What
are the best and safest chelating agents? Where are all these met-
als coming from? When stored in body tissues, nerves, bone, and
organs for years, what damage are they really doing?
We need more research in this area. There is no question there
is an excess body burden of toxic metals in many people by this
type of testing. Physicians who approach this complex problem
can be found at the American College for Advancement in Medicine

Detoxing: What Does It Mean?

One of my pet peeves is the way the word “detoxing” is thrown
around in alternative medicine. People make it sound as if they
actually know what is occurring in the body when they do their
particular program; that the way their product improves these in-
credible pathways of detoxification in the body (liver, skin, bowels,
respiration, etc.) is a proven thing. The truth is that most people
who talk about detoxing have no idea about the complicated bio-
chemistry of detoxification. What they do know is that when they
put others on a very simple diet with some type of detox product,
many symptoms improve. The promoters of the detox products
imply their product is doing the detoxing so you have something
to buy from them. The truth is that most of the time a very simple
and elemental diet is the magic (my opinion). That doesn’t mean
fiber-type supplements, probiotics, antioxidants, phytochemicals
and nutrients that stimulate liver function don’t benefit detoxifica-

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