Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the triad diet program

as well. Most overweight Americans should try to eat low, energy-
dense foods that are higher in bulk (volume).
This concept of volumetrics is simply demonstrated in the
following illustration of “three stomachs” taken from Dr. Joel
Fuhrman’s excellent book, Eat to Live (2011).^7 Eating greater
amounts of unrefined plant foods that provide more bulk but few-
er calories is the natural way to satiety and maintaining optimal

With permission from Joel Fuhrman, MD.

Hara Hachi Bu

In Okinawa, they have a saying, “hara hachi bu,” which means
something like “eat until you are 80 percent full (or eight parts
full).” Once Okinawan elders initially feel satisfied, they do not con-
tinue eating until they really feel full. This practice is hard for us in
the West because we have so much food available. The Okinawan
elders do this naturally, along with naturally consuming lower
calorie-dense, high nutrient-dense foods.

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