Staying Healthy in the Fast Lane

(Nandana) #1
the triad exercise program

day at work, comes home and eats, and then sits and watches TV
an average of five hours per day should do as much “non-exercise”
exercise as possible and do planned exercise daily to get close to
what healthy aging cultures do automatically.^1
Since time is precious to all of us, it is very important that we
make exercise time-efficient and as fun as possible. One way is to
do as much “non-exercise” exercise as possible. Let’s look at a few

¾ Get up off the couch and change the TV channel instead of
using the remote control.

¾ Get up for five to ten minutes for each hour of sitting. Use
breaks to walk or stretch.

¾ If you watch television, do aerobic exercise in front of your
favorite television show daily. This could change America’s
health dramatically! Virtually overnight!

¾ Do isometrics periodically while sitting (contracting and
relaxing of muscles) or, better yet, pick up some dumb
bells while sitting (and use them!). If you are older and
all you have is canned products around, use the cans as
dumb bells.

¾ Restrict sitting to activities that require it, such as eating,
learning, writing, keyboarding, and essential driving.

¾ Sit on a ball while at your home or at work instead of a
traditional chair.

¾ Walk briskly while doing chores, shopping, or errands.

¾ Do your own gardening or mow your own lawn.

¾ Take the stairs versus the elevator or escalator.

¾ Walk in an airport instead of using the moving walkway.

¾ Park in the parking lot in a far away spot. Don’t drive
around to get the closest spot.
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